Simple ID Photo Ver2.0 User's Manual
Main dialog
Select Template
Image operations
Cut Lines
[Print Size Adjustment]
Photo Size
Paper Size
Frame Spacing
Number of Frames
Print Size Adjustment
Template Name
[Tips on Template]
Main dialog
Start Simple ID Photo, and the Main dialog is displayed. Follow the process of operation controls right hand side
[Open -> Select Template -> Print] to acquire an ID photo.

Main dialog
Hit [Open] button to load a new image through the file open dialog. Move to your destination folder to choose a file.
Selectable image formats: jpeg, tif, png, bmp & psd
The image you chose is displayed on the Photo view.
Select Template
Select a template (*) you prepared in advance through the pull-down menu.
*Refer the following "Settings" chapter to prepare templates.
Image operations
Adjust a loaded image to fit in the format with controlling the sliders.
Drag mouse on the image to adjust position.
Adjustment controls
[90 button] Rotate the image 90 degrees as a click.
[Rotate slider] Adjust the tilt
[Zoom slider] Magnify the head length to fit in the format.
[Brighten slider] Adjust the brightness of the image.
Hit [Refresh] button, and all the settings are applied to the image on the Layout view. The name of the image file and the folder you loaded from is printed on the upper left corner on the Layout view.
Cut Lines
Check the box, and cut lines are drawn around each frame.
Hit [Print] button, and the printer setup dialog is opened.
Choose a printer out of the pull-down menu.
Choose paper type and quality settings.
Select a print size as set in the current working template.
Select "with border" or "without border (borderless)" as your paper size setting.
Check Landscape box for landscape orientation printing.
[Print Size Adjustment]
In case your printout is larger or smaller than your expectation, you could apply the followingYour printout might be smaller "Print Size Adjustment" to acquire better result.
Hit [Settings] button on the Main dialog, and Settings' dialog is slid out. Create various ID template formats to prepare.

Settings' dialog
Photo Size
Set the height and depth of a photo, and define the head length with adjusting the upper and lower margins.
Available range: 20 - 51mm (0.8 - 2 inch) on both Height and Width.
To set Width longer than Height is not allowed.
Head Length is calculated automatically by the Margins.
The number of preservable templates: no specific limit (up to the memory allocation).
Paper Size
Set the height and depth of a printing paper.
Available range: Height 119 - 297mm (4.7 - 11.6inch ) /Width82 - 210mm (3.2 - 8.3inch).
In case your printer doesn't have borderless mode, set paper size smaller than its regular size for the border paper margin. For the 127x89mm(5x3.5inch) paper, its allowed minimum size is 119x82mm(4.7-3.2 inch).
To set Width longer than Height is not allowed.
The number of frames is calculated automatically by the photo and paper sizes.
Frame Spacing
Set the length of the space between photo frames.
Available range: 5 - 10mm (0.2 - 0.4 inch).
Number of Frames
Set the number of frames in each horizontal and vertical line.
Available range:1 - max
Print Size Adjustment
In case your printout doesn't match its template, you could adjust the print size finely.
Available range: -10 - 20 (minus ten to twenty)
The default number is 0 (zero). With this number, printout will be almost proper size when borderless is set.
The actual size of printout becomes larger as the number goes up.
Template Name
After entering the name of a new template in the text box, hit [Save] button to preserve.
In case the same name template already exists, you can choose either overwrite or delete the template.
The template name which you have saved immediately before is displayed on the top of the pull-down menu.
[Tips on Template]
Since a saved template is listed on the top of the pull-down menu, you had better purposely overwrite daily templates to list upper for quicker handling.
(C) 2017 Sozai Design, JAPAN